
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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See why people are choosing Your Fitness Results

Change is hard, especially at first. That’s why it is so important to have someone whose been there and done that to walk you step-by-step. It’s my promise to keep you on track and to be your reliable partner. You can call/text me at any time. I always respond and try and go above and beyond for people who choose to work with me.

Every new client I work with gets a movement analysis. I put you through a series of movements, this allows me to check there positioning, posture, and how their body responds. This is to prevent injury if there is something that needs correcting. We can prescribe a corrective program.

From there, we test things like how strong your heart is, core strength, upper and lower body strength, and other things that are important to you. This is accomplished by adding loads to movements in a challenging way. *this will change depending on clients age/injury history/current shape*

As a new client, everyone gets a profile. This consists of a spreadsheet and a graph to see how far they have come. I use graphs to give a visual representation of my clients for visual learners. Using the graphs, as long as, you stay on track you will see your results.

What stops people a lot of the time, even after they start, is feeling uncertain in what they’re doing. Through this process I will teach you what to do and explain the benefit of it all, so on days when you exercise on your own, you can then, feel certain and good about what you’re doing.

Unlike with other trainers, when working with me, I don’t just give you a generic printed workout. I write prescribed plans that will be personalized to you and your goals.

Customized fitness plans for individual and groups.


Your Fitness Results offers multiple fitness coaching approaches to improving your overall health:
  • Personal Training

  • Partner Coaching

  • Assessments

Learn how to maximize results with 1 on 1 personal training!


Your Fitness Results offers a fun approach to working hard in a group environment.
  • Group Bootcamps

  • Small Group Training

  • Partner Training

Discover how group training can make fitness fun with a team environment!


Your Fitness Results can keep your body from hurting and recovering in a timely manner.
  • Muscle Stim Therapy

  • Percussion/vibration therapy

  • Pressure point release

  • Stretch

Receive the benefits of a faster recovery time!

Real People. Real Coaches. Real Results.